Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Currently Reading
Stop Dating the Church!: Fall in Love with the Family of God (Lifechange Books)
By Joshua Harris
see related
How can you be pridefull, when you can't take credit for anything good?!
Ok, I'm going to post this post on both the xanga and the "blogspot" http://www.petermccarthy.blogspot.com

Well, evangelism is a funny thing for guys like me and Austin.

After touching Heaven on Sunday Morn, I ban-wagoned over to The Dales Home for some quality time with Austin of course.

So, we walked in the front door, and i said. Wanna go cold-contacting.

He looks at me. And so we did.

He has like tons of tracks. Lemme tell you guys, that Austin is one prepared evangelist.
We went out, to prepare. And it was amazing as far as the Spirit that I felt upon us.
The Lord really went ahead of us. However if you were to say, that successful evangelizing, is seeing people saved right there... Then I'd say you are right.

But, what we do not know, is what the Lord does after two crazy people strongly influence others to the Gospel.

Now, I could say that seeds were planted. But, I'm not gonna say that. I'm gonna say that, in two individuals lives. The field was plowed. It shook rocks off their hearts, and challenged them to hunger.
The next step is them hearing the Gospel again, and actually accepting.

It was very fruitful, I think that It influenced me a ton. Austin and I have different ideas of how to do this.
Mine is less strategized than his.

I started a conversation, and waited to hear what The Lord would say. He spoke very clearly actually.
Austin, went up and immediately handed out a track, and went from there.

Both are good approaches. Depending on the situation.

I tell you though. There is nothing like seeing Austin go at it. Its so funny. Its just incredible.
Overall, last Sunday was one of the best Sundays ever!!!

Okay. So that was a brief download of what i've been doing.

But here is what the Lord is speaking staright to me.
Or at least a part of it.

He's calling me, to be so intimate with him. That my mindset is in tune with his. A peace of mind is starting to come upon me, and The Lord is just pouring out grace. Its absolutely awesome. Hes also saying to me, that if I will humble myself, and start to understand how to assess a situation, with the perspective of grace, then he will give me clearity of mind and a peace deep within my soul.

Its so weird. Because, all the teachings and biblical training, that I've been through over the past years seemed so exciting but not deep at the time. But now everything that i've been tought, and everything that I have been through. Makes sense, and it is my foundation that i stand upon.
When practical is applied to the spiritual, and spiritual to the practical, there is a great satisfaction of accomplishment. Because you start to see the will of God come to fruition, and also. The Heart of God is instilled in you.

I could just jump up and down forever.

the everlasting joy built inside my heart, will never cease. Because is has a consistent breath of life breathing upon it.

How I love to be in the courts of a King.



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