Sunday, July 16, 2006

At Times I Feel Useless In The Kingdom.

Sometimes thoughts become actions, especially the ones you meditate on. Thoughts entertain the open mind of a human being. Without thoughts we would be just bodies I suppose with nothing much in common with our Savior. For we are made in the image of God. Yet born into a fallen world we have the choice to become more like God, or stay as far away from him as possible. By Entertaining thoughts we become ok with whatever that thought may be. It could be a good thought. Because thoughts become actions, and actions define alot of who we are. The Lord says that we are take control of our thoughts. Or to take our thoughts captive. I've been thinking. NO KIDDING, and thoughts that the Lord gives us. Often require action. Action that will probably help build the kingom of Heaven. A clear mind is so great. Because you percieve easier what the Lord is saying to you. And take action to it. The opposite of mind clarity is confusion. And its safe to say that confusion is from hell. The best way to have a clear mind is to meditate on scripture. Oh yes indeed. Scripture is the key to success. Because you become aware of wrong and right, and not only that. But you learn to desire a righteous response to an earthly occurrence. Its pretty sweet. Sort of. Because once you have tasted Heaven, and had a clear mind. You automatically have an insight to the knowledge of good. However. When you reach that point it is easy to lose the Spirit and just stick with knowledge. And thats why its hard. Cause thats where I'm at. I desire to follow God With all my Heart. I have been in extremely awesome situations, where I have very real encounters with Jesus. For he has brought me far. Now that I've been there. My sin is such contrast. Like metiocrisy. And so I trust my knowledge to bail me out. Thats not really the gospel message. For we are saved by grace. No by works or how smart we are. Joy and Mercy are on going things. Gifts of God that we cannot live without. But when aware of sin, and feeling down. We can see mercy, but we get shy and scared and back away from spiritual callings. Thats because the devil uses our thoughts to trap us.

So as a word of encouragement for my bruhthehrs and sisters and Christ. Take control of your thoughts. You have all authority over the powers and principallities of darkness. And nothing can seperate you from the Love of Christ.
Having a clear mind is vital in this day and age. Because we are often attacked with being aware of it. Now if The Lord is our constant center. There is nothing that can bring us down.

Read the word. The more you read, the more God will show you how he has delivered you time and again, and it will make you aware of the Spirit of God ,and his goodness.
