Saturday, February 03, 2007

Well this unfortunately has nothing to do with friendship. Unless you thought deeply, and applied it to your life, and realized that you are a hick! Or just a normal human being. Not sure.


as I praying today I thought deeply on the subject of strongholds. And how certain things take root, that you don't even realize took manifestation!
So Yesterday as I took some time to really intercede, I started to realize unconfessed sin in my life, and how things that I did when I was like ten affect me now!

Like lying. I lied when I was younger... deliberately, and I started to realize that I don't really lie in this present day. But there was something sorta pinching that spot in my life yesterday. I realized that my sin is always down played in my mind, and that I had let some of that take root at a young age. So I took time yesterday and today and confessed that sin.

It was hard, it really was. Somewhat because I have illness right now, so I'm overly intense. But also its hard to admit to past things in my life that had a hold on my life.

The Lord's message for me however was repentance, and in the end run... freedom!!!

This is something that I understand greatly, yet when it took place in my own life, I was a as blind as a mouse in Alaska....?????? Yeah!!!!

Crazy stuff, I have to ask myself. Is that pride that hides that from me. Is it vain conceit? Is it that I'm stupid? Whatever it is, the Lord has given me something called conviction, so when something is lingering around I know it! And I have a strong urge to purge the urge. That's poetic.....

Anyways, I really think that God is showing me significant things about generational blessing and curses, and he wants to use me as a bearer of light to bring righteousness to situations!!!!!!

I love it when God sheds light on something... so that you can be closer to him. He loves us that much!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's true man. Whenever God reveals something to us that we may not want to hear.... it's for us and our growth. God always thinks of us over Himself. He's so different from us, but through His grace we become more and more like Him as we grow and see more of Him.

It's encouraging to see you post man. People might have thought you were dead!!

ha ha.


8:45 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

pete...that is awesome. you are such an amazing example to me. It really helps me realize how much i have to repent for. thank-you=)

10:28 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah i agree with ana, That was awesome. It actually got me thinking..

12:52 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

sweet=) i love being the first to comment.

yup, night skiing!! i cannot wait!! =D

i have to tell you, your goggles are amazing. thanks again!! i mean, it usually starts to snow like at 1, so a bit less than half the day i have snow in my face, so they help alot=)

5:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heyy thanks pete. And no im not going. Couldnt raise the monety on time. Hopefully Next time i can.

2:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


2:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey peter,

thanks for the support you showed in your last comment. your a great guy, i hope you're feeling better soon so maybe i'll be able to see more of you.

I just recently started to read your posts and i think they're great! you set such a great example. you can make some pretty great similies too :P a blind mouse in alaska.. huh. see you later.

3:39 PM


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